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Some Fossil Horse Facts
by Joe Taylor
My Pa and brother were rodeo cowboys, I was just an artist and future paleontologist. But I grew up with them and horses were the first thing I learned to draw when Pa showed me how at age five.
We were all taught in public school that horses evolved from the little rock hyrax, falsely called eohippus. It was not a horse at all. Though I never believed the lies about horse evolution it was not until 1980 that the facts were revealed to me by two paleontologists. They laughed about the fact that evolutionists knew there was no horse evolution and admitted that they knew all those fossil horse skeletons were found together and just arranged "little to big", not old to recent! And yet, that same ridiculous lie is taught in museums, schools and on TV to this day!.
In the San Bernardino County Museum in San Barnardino, California, a beautiful gray skull of a three-toed horse was shown to me that was found near Manix Lake, California. It was completely replaced by volcanic ash and was crushed so that it was but two inches thick. Some of the animals living with it were mastodons, camels, and other larger horses.
When I started fossil collecting in earnest in 1980, one of the first sites I found was the Blancan Type Locality, so named in the 1800s for the canyon near my home farm community of Mt. Blanco, Texas seventeen miles north of my hometown of Crosbyton, Texas.
What is a "Type" locality? It is the first place where a certain group of fossil animals are found and it is given the name of the local area, in this case, the name of a small white mesa near the bones called "Mt. Blanco" probably named by Coronado in the 1500s. So, all the bones from that locality become the "type" or the typical of that species. Then when another location is found with approximately the same fossils in it, it is called a "Blancan" locality, even though the bones may be a different color and like at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California, the bones are not petrified at al, but are rather soaked with brown tar.
To show that these evolutionist scientists were right, I personally found full-sized Equus scotti horse bones at a lower depth than the three-toed horses. Evolutionists teach that the three-toed horse existed before the one-toed larger horse. Yet, here was proof that the little horse that was supposed to have gotten buried long before the large horse, was not, but he was rather buried after.
The other thing about our little equid, Nannipus phlegen, was that instead of being a simpler animal, he was in fact much more complex than the modern full-sized horse, our Equus. Little Nannipus had twelve hooves instead of four! Furthermore, those splints on your horses' legs that run down the cannon bone and stop halfway down -- on Nannipus, they go all the way down beside the center hooves and are attacked to two half hooves and the two digits forming functional side toes. The half-hooves are about the size of your mom's little fingernail.
And that splint bone is almost paper-thin in the middle, but strong enough to move the hooves. It is joined at the top (the proximal end -- that means 'closest to the body') to one of the bones in both the horses 'ankle and wrist'. Apparently these three toes on each foot allowed it to walk out on the reed and sedges mats in the ponds that used to grow here. Below the level of the bones, I found flat one quarter inch layers of white rock with the impressions of reeds and sedges in them.
At my favorite three-toed horse dig site, I found the left calcanei or heel bone, of seven juvenile three-toed horses all in an area smaller than your bed. How did I know they were juveniles? All the epiphyseal plates on the calcaneii were not fused. What does that mean? All mammals have thin rounded almost flat bone plates called 'epiphyseal plates' at the end of each bone such as on the limbs, ribs and vertebrae.
How did I know there were seven individuals? Well, most of the bones were gone because there had been an old cow trail that had cut right through the white clay hillside where they were buried and over the years, the bones were exposed, damaged and then covered by rains and exposed again, etc. But, I found seven heel bones, so there had been at least 7 buried there together. If you look at any mammal skeleton, you will see that while the heel bones are exactly the same shape, the cups for the astragalus bones are on opposite sides.
How did I know they were juveniles? All of the lower jaws had un erupted molars in the back of their jaws.
This area of Texas including sites 75 miles away was covered in thick layers of volcanic fallout. There are layers four to eight feet thick of white rock, gray sand, gray pinkish sand clay, white clay and fine white sand all containing bones of these small horses, big mastodons, rabbits, dogs, badgers, birds, giant hyenas, saber-toothed cats, giant camels 20 feet tall, giant armadillos 5 feet long, giant sloth 6 feet tall, giant land tortoise 3 feet long, camels, three kinds of pigs and some kind of deer or small antelope. Phew, those are the just ones I've been blessed to find, except the saber-toothed cat.
In nearby canyons, I have found three or four sizes of horse and one giant donkey, Assinus giganteus. They were all living and died together. Their bones do not show evolution. They were created by Almighty God, our Savior Jesus Christ. There is no such thing as animals being "inferior" and thus they needed to "evolve" into a more superior animal. It is nonsense concocted by the devil to make people doubt God's Word as revealed to us in His Holy Bible. The horse in all its magnificent variety is a testament to the incredible handiwork of our truly awesome God. NEVER let anyone -- regardless of how many degrees they have -- tell you differently!
This is the left view of a three-toed horse leg of Nannipus Phlegen from the white clay of the Blancan Type locality, Blanco Canyon, near Crosbyton, Texas. It is complete. The long splints on either side were paper-thin and the center of them had crumbled in the white clay that had swelled and dried out for thousands of years. I restored the missing parts and then molded the bones separately and later molded the assembled leg. This small collie-sized horse is more complex than the so-called modern horse. Evolutionists say it is millions of years older. This can't be true, as I found the bones of the one-toed horse at a lower level. Due to the fact that the tiny bones were still articulated, it is impossible for the smaller horses to have been moved in over the large one. So if an evolutionist said the supposed older horse strata was moved in at a later time over the supposed younger horse strata, the articulated state of the small horses says, "no." Photo Used by Permission. Copyright (c) Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, 1987