The Hoof Print

Horse News. Christian Living. Equine Education
The Christian Equestrian's Literary "Stamp" in Type

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Horses in Ministry

Posted by on in Horses in Ministry

233px-Mosaic blue charioteer Massimo

Check Out Our New Article Updates!

The Evolution of the Horse - Mats Molens

Some Horse Fossil Facts - Joe Taylor

Jesus Christ: The Way To Life- Rebekah L. Holt

A Horse is a Horse, of Course, of Course...Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell

Meet Christi Gordon: Christian Reining Competitor - Abi Gordon

Hits: 1011

cover-picture-webIssue 5 Now available for Download.  Special "Life" Issue

Equus Ex Nihilo is a free eZine publication from eQuest For Truth.

Just click on the Resources tab on the menu and select Equus Ex Nihilo.  2012's back issues are available too. 


Hits: 1163