Rebekah Holt

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Rise Up O Men Of God

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Thanks for Mr. Keith Neds' beautiful calligraphy for inspiring today's poem - "Rise Up O Men of God." (To purchase his beautiful, inspiring calligraphy, be sure to visit

In the passages of scripture, Abraham, David, Solomon, Samuel and Daniel called themselves servants of God. These were all men that were of great use to the Lord. They didn't first identify themselves as men of wealth or intellectual ability. Nor did they worry first to verbalize the size of their ministry and work for the Lord.  They didn't necessarily feel qualified or adequate for their calling. But, they simply understood first and foremost they were God's men, servants that were being called upon Him to do their duty.  They recognized that God was the giver of ability, wisdom, an "understanding heart" and salvation. They knew to serve Him meant action, dedication and focus.

With Father's Day advancing, it's a good time to honor all Christian men. As God's women, we find do ourselves so much more capable of fulfilling our God given role as women when men will step up and obey God in fulfilling their role. God's faithful, obedient men are worth honoring, supporting, and celebrating! May we be the kind of women that will help Christ's obedient men to rise up as valiant men God intended them to be. 


Rise Up O Men of God

Rebekah L. Holt


Rise up O Men of God

Faithful, Strong and Pure!

Fulfill your God given role,

In Christ anchored, be secure.


Rise Up O Men of Valor

The time is now to act!

 Stand armored in Christ Jesus,

 Through Him, evil counteract.


Rise up O Humble Men

Set aside foolish pride.

Put on the attitude of Christ;

His meekness real strength abides.


Rise Up O Men of Strength

Focus on building your spirit.

God’s Word is the Source.

Eat it. Apply it. Live it.


Rise Up O Leading Men

In a role God has created;

Leaders for home and country,

A duty too often vacated.


Rise Up O Masculine Men

Be vigilant, diligent as intended!

Hard working, Providing, Strong!

Sweating is recommended.


Rise Up O Gentle Men

Be gracious, loving, kind.

Lay down your life for others

As Christ did for all mankind.


Rise Up O Servant Men

Even Christ fed them fish and bread.

He washed feet and tended needs.

If you do, you too will be fed.


Rise Up O Brothers True

Be faithful in a chaste vow.

Guard the Eyes. Thoughts. Actions!

In Christ, It is possible even now.


Rise Up O Faithful Husbands

God has granted you a gift

A wife, a help meet, a friend.

One wife love for life—she’s it!


Rise Up O Teaching Fathers

Train children in His Narrow Way.

Draw from God’s free, abundant wisdom.

Reject the world. The price, do pay.


Rise Up O Committed Men

Seek God and make the decision.

Have faith. Don’t over think!

Trust in His promised, overflowing provision!


Rise Up O Women of God

Pray for, reverence, support these men.

By their obedience, sacrifice and service,

They help us to be what God did intend.