Rebekah Holt

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Will You Let Me Be Your Savior?

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Will You Let Me Be Your Savior?

Rebekah L. Holt


“Why Me?" is the question

We can feverishly pause to ask

When trials do overtake us,

Sorrows choke, smother, mask.


Our Gentle Savior answers

Why not you, My child?

You said I am your Savior

This is part of “reconciled.”


O lamb of Mine, Why Not you?

I picked you for My Flock,

To lead and guide you all the way,

If you will but only Walk.


I lead you but gently now,

My yoke easy, My burden light.

Abide in My perfect direction;

Trust Me despite the day’s night.


I drew you from death.

I wanted you for Mine.

I gave the greatest cost.

The nail prints, see the sign?


Will you let Me help you?

Will you let Me lead?

Will you trust Me wholly?

Or will you reject Me?


I made you for this life.

A new of You I’ll create,

From pieces of you now broken,

A perfected image, just wait!


A beautiful, growing Christian,

A Bride for Me, you’ll be;

A reflection of My glory,

Submit and you will see.


I am your God and Master.

I knew you before your birth.

I have not finished your story;

This is but a thorn that hurts.


Pain was not the plan I had

Nor weeping, grief, strife.

I offer you the Only Way

To purposeful, joy filled life.


Lean on Me and ask Me.

Depend on Me to Heal.

I will not reject you ever.

Rest and prayerfully kneel.


Circumstances aren’t lasting

But righteousness will endure.

Walk the path with Me;

You’ll find it straight and pure.


I’ll carry you through the waters.

I’ll walk with you through fires.

Forsake you I will never;

My promise does not retire.


My real Comfort is waiting

Like a refuge in a storm.

I was never absent;

All things I can transform.


Hope and Wait on Me

This is only “now” of today.

Give Me your heart, it’s safe.

You must trust and obey.


Keep focused on the Bible.

Keep eating the Living Bread.

Keep drinking Living Water.

Keep relying to be spiritually fed.


“O my Savior,” I answered,

“I do not deserve all Your care.

You have always been faithful

Even when I was not aware.”


“Thank you for picking me,

For drawing me to Yourself.

Help my unbelief and weakness;

Help me forget myself.”


“Help me to stay tender,

Contrite for You to form

The image You are fashioning;

A redeemed “me”, please transform.”


“Let me keep on loving;

Help me guard my ways.

Strengthen me for service;

I want be yours, always.”


“Take my deepest longings,

I give them back to You.

I want focus on Your provision

No good “idol” to rob what is true.”


“Thank you Jesus for remaining

My Anchor, Support and Friend;

My Tower, Defender, Provider;

The Beginning and the End.”