The Hoof Print
Horse News. Christian Living. Equine Education
The Christian Equestrian's Literary "Stamp" in Type

Two new articles by Rebekah L. Holt were recently featured by the American Paint Horse Association's publications.
"Painted Antiquity"
Chrome Magazine's Spring 2016 Issue - Click here to read PDF
This article overviews pinto colored horses depicted in historical art from the 18th dynasty in Egypt to the 1700s. It's a fascinating, full color celebration of the coat color pattern. Did you know that Napoleon rode a pinto? How about the Grand Marshal of France? Fun history lesson.
Here's one of the features that didn't make the final published copy (excerpt from the original article):
Portrait of a Piebald Horse from the Stud at Eisgrub Performing the Levade (1700)
Artist: Johann Georg von Hamilton (1672-1737)
In the 1700s, the Eisgrub stud in Liechtenstein was famous throughout Europe for their carriage horses. They were "high-stepping animals" of "imposing appearance, with beautiful long manes and tails and handsome Roman noses." Liechtenstien's Prince Johann Adam Andreas I commissioned artist Johann Georg von Hamilton for six equine portraits to hang in a newly constructed stable whose beauty was equivalent to the palace. Portraits of this kind were actual images of individual horses. "The high regard in which horses were held in the Baroque Age was evident not only in their ceremonial ranking...but also in the custom of having their portraits painted. " The "piebald" in this picture is boldly a black tovero stallion. He was one of the chosen six stallions for Hamilton's royal commission.
"On the Job"
Paint Horse Journal's May 2016 Issue - Click here to read PDF
Read about eight American Paint Horses and their everyday jobs in the workforce:
- Houston Police Department's Mounted Patrol horse, "Smash" - Visit Smash's own Facebook Page!
- Wings of Hope Equitherapy's "Doodles" and Hank" - Therapy Partners - Visit Wings of Hope
- Wyoming's Livingstone Outfitting Pack and Saddle horses, "Cedar" and "Diago" (pictured above) - Visit Livingstone Outfitting
- California Search and Rescue teammate, "Tuxie" - Visit the San Mateo County Sherriff's Office Mounted Search and Rescue Unit website
- Remington Park's Outriders "Jamonji" and "Cowboy" -
"Tuxie" Photo by Sue Winslow Photography - Used by Permission
A Woman's Right: To be a Woman Featured

We're living in a culture that has sought to redefine gender for generations. Women rejecting a God given design trump the "it's a woman's right" to do so. Overhearing the rants, we hear that abortion is a "woman's right", homosexuality is a "woman's right", and just about anything that can be thought of is a "woman's right."
For the Christian woman - we recognize that to be a woman is a gift from God. We have a responsibility and an unique opportunity to express God's plan for humans. We have a mission and through realizing the exalted plan God intended for womankind - our lives are complete and others are blessed through this too.
True fulfillment does not come from redefining or denial of what we are. Our lives are made meaningful and whole through obedience in Jesus Christ. It is a honor to see that if we have any "right" or "choice"--it is to embrace the Salvation of Jesus Christ and glorify Him by being what He intended for us to be. Yes, all this can be rejected--we do have a choice. May we stay focused and not lose out on the very best for our lives.
The Lord gave this poem this week that reminds us all that we have the "right" to choose the "Right Way"--John 14:6. Let us rejoice in our womanhood and set aside the counterfeit rants and raves of unrighteousness and be God's women each day.
A Woman's Right: To be a Woman
(Sequel to first "A Woman's Right" prolife poem)
A Woman's Right
To be a woman;
An opportunity to identify,
God's purpose and design.
Her life--Him--to glorify.
A Woman's Right
To be strong,
Anchored in Jesus our Savior.
Learning by His example,
The Guidance for behavior.
A Woman's Right
To be generous
In happy and gentle deeds.
Pouring forth real kindness,
Meeting other's needs.
A Woman's Right
To be lovely
Embracing a role God given.
Gracious, loving, heart beauty;
Feminine and Master driven.
A Woman's Right
To speak truth
Standing for what is right!
Honest, forthright, consistent
Wise and meekly persistent.
A Woman's Right
To be helpful
Support. Exhort. Be there!
Available and on mission.
Burdens we can share.
A Woman's Right's a choice??
The time is now to choose
God's liberated womanhood!
It's too good for you to lose!
Be a woman that chooses first
The way God plans for one
We're here for a reason, a need
Our job on earth is not done.
God made woman to be one
Not a woman to become man
Not a man, but a woman
The woman created by Hand.
A virtuous woman we can be
A ruby, pearl and crown;
A trusted partner, life giver,
Wearing an atoned gown.
It's not a stereotype or legend
Nor an outdated thing of the past.
We can be a Christian woman;
Christ's jewel that will eternally last.
eQuest For Truth Celebrates 10 Years Featured

Ten years - a Decade! eQuest For Truth celebrates being on the web for a whole decade!
I can't help but consider it a reason to rejoice! What a "memorial stone" that speaks of the Lord's provision and His plan!
Is this website as full and developed as I had hoped and planned and dreamed for in 10 years? No--but it has served a small purpose in the Lord's service and I am so blessed to have been apart of its history and formation. It is a very small light - yet, the Lord has used this little article archive website specific to Christian apologetics to 1) grow me in so many ways, 2) encourage dear readers that have written sharing with me their testimonies and 3) to be a resource to get horse lovers and fellow Christians a start or reference for Biblical study. It's been a journey of "grand ideas" to harmonize with the Lord's plan. Being someone that my Mother told when I was 16, "Rebekah, you don't have to accomplish everything in life by the age of 17!" --well, the Lord's been constantly refining me in this process of becoming aligned with His purpose for eQuest For Truth!
This all just didn't happen. The history of eQuest For Truth all actually started long before 10 years ago.
Since becoming a Christian at the age of 5, there has been a recognition and growth in understanding that all of us who profess Christ are called and enlisted into His service. In addition, we are always equipped by Him for the specific tasks He gives us. That equipping may entail a motivation to forge the difficulties of developing skills with hard won diligence or perhaps it comes as gifts just plopped in our laps as strengths by His hand. It's a journey of preparation and one we're always on until we go to be with the Lord.
Through the seasons of growing up - I had been involved in children's ministry or volunteering with organizations that served the
special needs community since the age of 12, even serving as a camp counseller when not much more than a girl myself at 14. By the time of high school, I was living the small farm dream on my parent's 10 acres, starting a few Quarter Horses to ride and planning to start a small business training cart horses for children and teach riding lessons. By the age of 17 we were moving to a 300 acre farm, I was teaching children how to ride horses and managing our family's small pony business, Bar H Farms and taking in Miniature Horses and Shetlands training them for riding and cart ponies. It was a successful venture for a season of joy of doing exactly what I wanted to do in life. At the peak, I was managing 30 horses and ponies, foaling out 7-8 of the world's cutest pony foals each year and marketing horses online. Riding lessons were seasonally consistent with a troup of children, some only a few years younger than me, I was teaching the basics. By the age of 20, it was time to prepare for Certification with the Certified Horsemanship Association (though not currently teaching, I still hold a PATH Intl. Registered Instructor certification--just in case!).
Through many encounters with children of tender age telling me about their broken home lives--God was working on me. I became more and more aware that this grandeous idea of mission work only happening in a compartmentalized setting or abroad was a small outlook. The challenge of sharing the Gospel was pressed upon me. How could I of all people do something so drastic during a riding lesson? "But Lord I'm a Nobody!" and "Skillful Weaving - A Testimony" are both testimonies to this struggle and real start to what led to eQuest For Truth--when all my glorious ideas of "ministry" had to be brought out of the clouds, applied where it counted for strategic, God given opportunities and became apart of my daily life.
Through my work with horses and the process of becoming a creditialed riding instructor--I was confronted with evolution. If you spoke out against or questioned the theory--well, you were just considered dumb and one of "those"! Children were constantly asking me questions about the frog, ergot and chestnut - the very parts of the horse that Darwinian evolution seized upon as vestigial digits. I was fired up. Through my youth, my elder brother had become very involved in the Creation ministry and I tagged along with gaining interest. It was time to have a resource for children and fellow Christians that was evolution free. I had such a burden not to mislead these dear little impressionable lives I had for so many short minutes a week.
Through the ministry of Dr. Jobe Martin's Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, ten years ago, I was aching to do something about horses and their design that could point children to their Creator. I had found that through my students' desire to learn about the horse--it was an open door to introduce them to Jesus Christ Who was the first horseman and rejoiced in their delight of a creature He created just for them to enjoy! At this time, I was also teaching a homeschool elective for a local homeschool coop about horses and was applying myself to write a small booklet called "Understanding Horses from a Biblical Perspective." The previous Fall, opening my Strong's Concordance, the study began as I painstakenly looked up every equidae related Bible verse and found treasures to inspire the Christian horse lover.
All these varied efforts, experiences, encounters came together.
Seeking the support and writing of scientists like Dr. Jobe Martin, Dr. Jean K. Lightner, etc. and using some of the articles I had written--my work began and the website materialized. Even the name "" was available! The little, tiny graphic design interest I had and basic website building I had learned through marketing ponies--started to piece together. The idea was for me to coordinate and compile all the possible articles available specific to refuting horse evolution. There were some out there, specifically written by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, but what I found was that there were specific horse specific topics not addressed or geared fully to a horse loving audience. I had a lot of work on my plate and somehow I became the one writing the bulk of the articles instead of the "behind the scenes" gal just compiling information.
The first articles eQuest For Truth published are still all there.
- What About Equine Origins?
- Creation vs. Evolution
- Horse Evolution: Fact or Horse Manure?
- The Bible Stands
- The Bible and Evolution in Conflict
- God The Creator
- How Did We Get Chestnut Colored Horses?
- Equus in the Bible
- Equine Bible References
After ten years, there have been a huge list of people that have supported or encouraged this effort. Many served me as sounding boards, counselors,
contributors and reviewers. I thank you all for your taking me seriously and not sending me down the chute when I asked for assistance or advice! Specifically, I'd like to thank Vicki Watson and Firn Hyde for their partnership in updating the website's CMS/design and/or providing so many fantastic articles for the website. Their efforts behind the scenes and the hours of work to contribute what they have for several years are worth acknowledging.
To date, there have been Christians from the US, Canada, Brazil, UK, Ireland, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, India, Japan, and I can't remember all the other countries that have written feedback. Unfortunately, I don't know if all the seeds planted come to fruition. But-the job of eQuest For Truth is to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and give Him the glory...and let Him do the rest.
I want thank you, for taking your time writing this good message, [not long] ago I spent my time instead of reading [the] Bible... watching pornography... It immediately raise[d] a guilt in me, that cause me to search in Google the Message that can bring me back at the feet of the Cross [ofJesus]... I want to [thank] God for giving me [the Equest For Truth ministry], you know Bible says: all things work for good to those who love Him... I thank God again for lighting His fire and giv[ing] me the passion of reading His Word. Oh Lord, do not let m[e] grow cold, this [is] my prayer, keep on praying for me. I pray God to enlarge your ministries, you know when God gives a vision, He gives too [the] provisions to accomplish His work in us, now do not get weary to do good. I believe at due time you shall reap. May my Heavenly Father richly bless,
D.R. via Internet
Since the growth to include "non-horse" related articles on "Quest For Christ" - this has been the greatest drive to the website. Articles on Purity and Contentment have remained only second to the Horse Evolution articles. A Christian's Twelve Practical Principles to the Path of Contentment; Ten Guidelines to Live a Pure Christian Life; (be sure to check out the 2015 blog posts series "Purity: It's Possible Even Today!" Most of my articles now are geared to "Quest For Christ" or find their home on the blog "The Hoof Print". The Lord has changed my life to be
drastically full and time for researching articles is limited and balanced with needful work, ministry opportunities and investing in my family. As eQuest For Truth was never intended to be the "personal" ministry of "Rebekah L. Holt" it is well that God chooses to keep me well harnessed in the daily grind and limit my word count! The term "Applicable Christianity" behooves us all and I certainly have my share of needing to apply first and sit at Christ's feet before writing an article about it.
What's the future for eQuest For Truth? I don't know fully. Yet, for now, it is evident that the Lord is not yet finished with this little website and He can continue the work. There have been very tough times of discouragement over that 10 years when I was ready to shut it all down. God always confirmed it was viable with sudden feedback from someone who had read an article and wrote of their encouragment. Who knows, perhaps the ideas for Discover Equus - an action packed horse curriculum for homeschooling families can materialize one day! That idea's been cookin' for a decade too!
Thank you for being apart of this journey!
On to living for Christ today...
Rebekah L. Holt
The Original Logo:
Christ--Our Hope Fulfilled! Featured

Christ – Our Hope Fulfilled!
Rebekah L. Holt
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.” 1 Pe. 1:3-4
Resurrection Sunday approaches.
It is a Biblical celebration we commemorate as a time to rejoice in Salvation and Life in Jesus! Christ died the vicarious death—yet He arose triumphant and victorious over death and the grave. As the hymn speaks “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” “What can wash my sins away? Nothing but the blood of Jesus…” “Hallelujah…Christ arose!”
Recently, someone told me they hoped 2016 was my year of fulfilled hopes. It was a touching statement. As I was thinking of what to send out to my eQuest For Truth friends for this Resurrection season—that was it. Fulfilled hopes –yes, Christ is the Fulfillment of our Hopes—every day, every week and every year. That’s just one way to encapsulate what the Resurrection Sunday means to Christians.
As we grow in our Christianity – we find that Christ fills our voids and is a bulwark to run to. It was through His life we have a real example of “how to do it”. It is through belief in Jesus Christ and profession of Him, we become heirs with Him and children of God (Ro. 8:17; Gal. 3:26). It is through Jesus we are filled with the living Spirit of God that enlivens us and gives us understanding. It is through His Word we find our Daily Bread and can drink from Living Water (John 6:35; John 4:14). Our spiritual needs are met. Our eternity is secured. Our lives are given meaning and worth. But that’s not all—Christ works in the day-to-day. As the Mediator between God and Man – Christ gives us direct communication with God. We can talk to Him, cast our cares, desires, worries, confessions, sorrows, joys on Someone Who truly loves us, is interested and will provide. He knows our earthly needs. With His Christians in mind, God conducts a symphony of Divine orchestration to strategically provide for our physical necessities. Solutions come forth to worth through tough situations. Money is funded to pay bills. All things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to His purpose (Ro. 8:28). People come forth to assume their position in our lives. Joy permeates the day and spills over the brim.
Our hopes in life are generally thought of as something in the distance. Some “hopes” we don’t know if they will be “realized”. But for the Christian—Christ is our fulfilled hope. It’s not ethereal—this is a hope that maketh us not ashamed because it is sure and something we can count on (Ro. 5:5). Why can we count on it? The basis of that Hope is the Resurrection—what we celebrate this coming Sunday. It all happened exactly as God said it would. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever (He. 13:8). He paid the price for us to release us from the bondage of a sinful life and to be the Way to God (Ro. 3:24). His innocent blood was shed to pay the ransom of souls (1 Pe 1:18-19; 1 Ti. 2:6). Yet, the grave could not hold Him and He AROSE! “Hallelujah—what a Savior!” He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—No man cometh unto the Father but by Him (John 14:6). And we know Him!
Praise the name of Jesus—every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Ph. 2:10-11). Let’s not wait until we meet Him face to face – let’s bow together now, confess and praise the Name of Jesus! Christ - Our Hope fulfilled!

It is Enough!
Luke 19:13
Rebekah L. Holt
With the recent Texas Elections--it's been both positive and disappointing to see the results! Some of 'em made it and some of 'em didn't.
Despite trusting fully in the Lord's raising up righteous leadership in every generation--I'm always challenged with the feelings of dashed hopes after every election! Well--the "good guys" don't always get elected and we end up getting stuck with less effective or perhaps, horrible leadership (though we did have some great wins in our district!). It can be depressing when seeing people who really lie and cheat and tell half-truths actually get enough votes! It baffles me when some people I know cannot circumspectly consider the long reaching, destructive impact some candidates bring to the table if elected! Just consider our Presidential elections...
At times like these, I tend to be thoughtful if not morose. It becomes a need to take every thought captive and bring it before the throne of grace. The Lord does speak and those scriptures set to memory issue forth. Lyrics and melodic notes harmonize cognitively, materializing in a swirl, and finally spill forth in an audible anthem. Yes, I find myself being renewed in the Lord's grace, rehearsing the very core of meaningful humanity and the purpose of the Christian life.
This past week, I was confronted with a conversation where a man expressed his anger toward our government. Quite a bit of his reasoning I could rationalize. It was possible to confirm his complaint as viable. Yet, the basis of his argument missed an important component and thus, his solution was warped. He wouldn't vote for anyone because of their party affiliation--so therefore, he rationalized by not voting in what he considered a corrupt party, he was doing his part and we needed to instead set up a completely different party.
As I sorted through this man's comments and philosophies, trying to see the relevance, know what to respond to and how to use this opportunity to speak any words of truth--it did come clear to point toward Christ's life as the example.
Government was broken then in Christ's day. There was BAD leadership. There were murderers and even immoral incestuous adulterers on the throne. And those men are remembered today for carrying out the events that led to the vicarious death of our Savior. Yet, God still was sovereign and His plan for mankind came to pass. Christ's purpose was not repressed. Sure, the whole of the outcome of the Messiah's coming was different than what the zealots wanted. They wanted a new form of government. Yet, Christ's kingdom was not of this world. A perfect earthly form of government was not the fix He provided. But what God did provide, the solution was effective to mankind's need and filled all the voids. He gave us streams in a desert and manna in the wilderness--the provision and sustenance to work with what we've got and where we are today. His ultimate plan gave us an eternal and rich glorious gift of Salvation that gives the everyday man real answers and true life for today and an eternity with Jesus. We have been told this world is going to end. But we have also been told to remain faithful, to be equipped, to obey authority, to occupy until He comes again, to make disciples of all nations and to get after it--time is short. Live a life that counts in Jesus and be fishers of men.
Government is not our hope for today or tomorrow. What God has established is the "where it starts" for Christians. Bottom line, period--unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain. If man or a man-made form of government is the what we build our lives upon, the foundations will certainly crumble and we will crater. It is only the men that submit themselves unto the Lord that can possibly fulfill righteous actions and have righteous judgement. It remains that regardless of our parties or American government--our nation's moral health is only as strong as the moral heartbeat--we the people at home, we the people at work, we the people at play. The "How" of how we conduct our lives. Our worldview is not a personal affair - it has far reaching repercussions that radiate, impacting a generation and culture. Silence and non-action is an active voice. Choosing not to be politically responsible and doing what we CAN at a grassroots level or higher up if opportunity allows could be considered equivalent to endorsing the wrong side. In America, we can do something--it may be a small deed, but remember the mustard seed.
We must be responsible citizens. If we can vote against a vile candidate, let's do it. Individually, we're going to have to submit ourselves to the Lord for His guidance on what that is. As followers of Christ, it is important for us to seek the Lord on how we can vote and what candidates He desires us to support at every level of government. Jesus Christ recognized the leaders while on earth and their position. He paid his taxes. Scripture tells us that God uses and works through the present authorities--even if they don't want or recognize His rule. God can give us wisdom how to effectively combat corrupt leadership and to hopefully and appropriately overturn the evil "kings" of our day. Just "throwing it off" is not the answer. As Christ's followers we can be resolved and do our part--yet stay focused on the fact that this is not all there is. Our greatest responsibility must be on serving Christ first. By identifying ourselves in His leadership, our efforts, our outlooks and our understanding of how to effect change can come into a perfect balance in an imperfect world.
Others may be stronger in this, but God often uses my discouragements to draw me deeper into His embrace. There's so much to distract us from the Lord's blessings today. Casting all care on Christ releases us to put on all His intended joy. Life is tough and draining at times. It's real. But it does come that upon renewing our minds in Christ, we can fill our minds with the realization that our foundation and security in the Lord truly is enough and it satisfies the hungering soul with peace. Such an anchor is ours through the storm, to face what is required of us as we carry on. Only through trusting and obeying Jesus Christ can we fully approach the future without a fear or dread. We can instead stride forward in an eternal, victorious, redeemed, proactive, effective perspective.
Join me in singing one of my favorites:
My faith has found a resting place, not in device nor creed. I trust the Ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead! I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for Me.