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"On the Job" and "Painted Antiquity" - Articles by Rebekah L. Holt published by the American Paint Horse Association

Two new articles by Rebekah L. Holt were recently featured by the American Paint Horse Association's publications.

"Painted Antiquity"

Chrome Magazine's Spring 2016 Issue - Click here to read PDF

This article overviews pinto colored horses depicted in historical art from the 18th dynasty in Egypt to the 1700s. It's a fascinating, full color celebration of the coat color pattern. Did you know that Napoleon rode a pinto?  How about the Grand Marshal of France?  Fun history lesson.

Here's one of the features that didn't make the final published copy (excerpt from the original article):

piebald 1

Portrait of a Piebald Horse from the Stud at Eisgrub Performing the Levade (1700)

Artist: Johann Georg von Hamilton (1672-1737)

In the 1700s, the Eisgrub stud in Liechtenstein was famous throughout Europe for their carriage horses. They were "high-stepping animals" of "imposing appearance, with beautiful long manes and tails and handsome Roman noses." Liechtenstien's Prince Johann Adam Andreas I commissioned artist Johann Georg von Hamilton for six equine portraits to hang in a newly constructed stable whose beauty was equivalent to the palace. Portraits of this kind were actual images of individual horses. "The high regard in which horses were held in the Baroque Age was evident not only in their ceremonial ranking...but also in the custom of having their portraits painted. " The "piebald" in this picture is boldly a black tovero stallion. He was one of the chosen six stallions for Hamilton's royal commission.



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Paint Horse Journal's May 2016 Issue - Click here to read PDF

Read about eight American Paint Horses and their everyday jobs in the workforce:

  • Remington Park's Outriders "Jamonji" and "Cowboy" - 

IMG 2309 233x350"Tuxie" Photo by Sue Winslow Photography - Used by Permission


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